Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

English | 繁體中文

Q1: I would like to apply for a Primary One place in Diocesan Girls’ Junior School for my daughter. When will application be open? Do I need to go to the School to collect the application form in person?

A1: Details on Primary One Application procedures are available on the school website starting from August every year. The application platform will be open at the school website from mid-August to late August. There is no need for parents to come to the School to collect an application form in person.


Q2: Is Primary One application at DGJS open to all kindergarten students?

A2: Yes, kindergarten girls who fall within the specified age range are eligible.


Q3: If I have applied for a Primary One place in DGJS for my daughter, can I still participate in the government Primary One Admission (POA) System?

A3: Yes.


Q4: Are there any open days and briefing sessions to allow me to know more about DGJS?

A4: The School will show a video of school functions and activities to parents when the first interview is conducted. Interested parents can also gain a better understanding of the School’s background and mission through the school website, Parents of successful applicants will be invited to a briefing session, during which the School’s characteristics, curriculum, extra-curricular activities, etc. will be introduced. A school tour will also be organised for the new Primary One parents.


Q5: What happens during an interview?

A5: The purpose of the first interview is to observe and obtain a general understanding of the basic communication and thinking skills of applicants. Knowledge on current affairs would not be assessed. Applicants are not required to write anything. During the first interview, only one parent is allowed to accompany the applicant to the School. While waiting for the applicants, parents will be shown a video of school functions and activities to enhance their understanding of the School.


Q6: Will all applicants be invited to a second round of interview?

A6: No, only some applicants will be invited to a second interview on an individual basis. This is mainly to acquire an understanding of the applicants’ daily life and experience. Their attitude, behaviour, communication skills and overall development will also be appraised. Those who are not invited to the second interview in November may still have a chance to be invited at a later stage. Parents of the applicants may also be invited to meet with the Headmistress and teachers during the second round interview to enable the School to learn more about the family education and parenting philosophies.


Q7: What types of interview results will there be?

A7: There are three types of interview results. Some applicants would be placed on the offer list, while some would be put on the reserve list and some on the rejected list. Some applicants on the reserve list might be invited to a third round of interview if deemed necessary.


Q8: Will there be a third round of interview?

A8: Some applicants on the reserve list might be invited to a third round of interview if the School considers that more information from the applicant is necessary to make an admissions decision. However, the third interview is not the only deciding factor for applicants on the reserve list to receive a final offer. Applicants on the reserve list may be given an offer without being invited to a third round of interview. Third interviews might be conducted any time until September 2025 on a rolling basis.


Q9: Are applicants required to be proficient in Putonghua?

A9: No, since our Chinese classes at lower levels are conducted in Cantonese, applicants are not required to be proficient in Putonghua.


Q10: Does commitment to various extra-curricular activities and interest classes affect the chance of admission?

A10: No, the School does not encourage parents to arrange too many extra-curricular activities and tutorial classes for their young children.


Q11: What is the learning environment like at DGJS?

A11: While our School is committed to excellence, we are more concerned about our students’ whole-person wellbeing, namely in terms of their physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual development. In school, great emphasis is placed on fostering love, integrity, perseverance and responsibility. After class, homework is kept at a reasonable amount, in the hope that there is room for relaxation and time for our students to develop other interests. We aim to offer our students a happy school life and childhood.


Q1: 想替女兒報讀拔萃女小學,何時可以辦理報名手續?是否需要親臨學校索取表格?

A1: 本校的小一申請資料於每年八月上載至本校網頁,家長可在八月中旬至下旬在本校網頁辦理報名手續,無須到本校排隊索取報名表格。


Q2: 請問就讀哪一間幼稚園才能報讀拔萃女小學?

A2: 只要年齡符合就可以報讀本校的小一,就讀任何一間幼稚園的女生也可以報讀拔萃女小學。


Q3: 已在拔萃女小學報名申請小一入學,還可以參加政府學校的派位嗎?

A3: 可以。


Q4: 學校是否設有開放日和簡介會?

A4: 第一次約見時,本校會播放校內活動片段供家長觀看。家長亦可透過學校網頁,了解本校的背景和教學理念。申請學生獲取錄後,本校會安排新生家長參與簡介會,詳盡介紹本校的特色、課程、課外活動等等,同時亦會帶領家長參觀校園。


Q5: 約見的內容是什麼?

A5: 約見的目的是觀察及了解學生的基本聽說和思維能力,並不會考核學生對時事的認識,學生毋須書寫。此次約見只需一位家長陪同出席,約見期間家長會觀看校內活動片段,以加深對本校的認識。


Q6: 所有申請學生會獲邀參與第二次面試嗎?

A6: 不會。只有部分申請學生會個別獲邀參與第二次面試,談話內容以兒童日常生活及經驗為主,從而觀察其態度、行為及言語方面的能力。申請學生如未獲通知參與十一月的第二次面試,有機會於稍後階段獲邀。申請學生的家長在第二次面試中,亦有機會獲邀與校長和老師會面。此將有助學校更了解其家庭背景和育兒理念。


Q7: 入學面試結果是怎樣的?

A7: 本校有三類入學面試結果,包括列入錄取名單、列入候補名單以及未被錄取。視乎需要,部分列入候補名單的申請學生或有機會獲邀參與第三次面試。


Q8: 學校設有第三次面試嗎?

A8: 如本校需要進一步了解申請學生,部分列入候補名單的申請學生或會獲邀參與第三次面試。惟獨第三次面試並非申請學生獲錄取的決定性考慮 。個別列入候補名單的申請學生或不需進行第三次面試而獲得取錄。本校會視乎需要,進行第三次面試,直至2025年九月。


Q9: 申請人須操流利普通話嗎?

A9: 本校初小的中文科均以粵語授課,申請人毋須操流利普通話。


Q10: 若申請人參加不同的課外活動和興趣班,對申請入學有幫助嗎?

A10: 沒有影響。本校不鼓勵家長為年幼子女安排過多的課外活動和補習班。


Q11: 學校的學習環境是怎樣的?

A11: 本校致力追求卓越,更重視學生在靈德智體群美各方面的全人發展,積極培養學生關愛、誠實、堅毅及盡責的精神。學校家課量適中,旨在讓學生享受閒暇,亦能善用課餘時間發展興趣。學校希望為每位學生締造愉快的童年學習生活。