Our Father, by whose servants Our house was built of old, Whose hand hath crowned her children with blessings manifold, For thine unfailing mercies Far-strewn along our way, With all who passed before us, We praise thy name to-day.
The changeful years unresting Their silent course have sped, New comrades ever bringing In comrades’ steps to tread; And some are long forgotten, Long spent their hopes and fears; Safe rest they in thy keeping, Who changest not with years.
They reap not where they laboured, We reap what they have sown; Our harvest may be garnered By ages yet unknown. The days of old have dowered us With gifts beyond all praise: Our Father, make us faithful To serve the coming days.
Before us and beside us, Still holden in thine hand, A cloud unseen of witness, Our elder comrades stand: One family unbroken, We join, with one acclaim, One heart, one voice uplifting, To glorify thy name.