English Debate Team
Our Debate Team members are a group of Primary 5 – 6 girls who meet up regularly to discuss ethical or socio economic issues. Through training, they learn to assess different viewpoints, organise their ideas and express them eloquently. They are also required to exercise their research and analytical skills, identify the weak points in their opponent’s arguments and deliver the rebuttals.
Although the Debate Team is not a long-established ECA at the School, our members have been doing well in the external competitions. In the 2018 – 2019 academic year, our Primary 6 team won three vigorous rounds and captured the Champion at the Primary Section Grand Final of the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition.
Despite the recent pandemic, it has not stopped our girls from debating. Training has been conducted via Zoom and currently they are gearing themselves up for the first ever online debate match. Best wishes to our debaters!