Diocesan Girls’ Junior School believes that parents play a key role in the education of children as they add life and creativity to our students’ learning. We also believe that our goals for our students are best achieved through mutually supportive relationships between parents and teachers.
The PTA (Parent Teacher Association), with its Chairperson an ex-officio member of the School Council, was formed in 1951 and has since played a crucial role in the DGS Family.
The objective of the PTA is to foster and maintain contact between parents and the School. It co-operates with and assists the School in the implementation of policies and procedures for the smooth running of the School, helps to ensure open communication between teachers and parents, and lends its support to school activities throughout the year for the better welfare and benefit of the girls.
All teachers and parents, whose daughters currently attend DGJS/DGS, are automatically members of the PTA without any formalities. There are no subscription fees; therefore the PTA exists primarily on donations from parents.
These donations have enabled the PTA to improve facilities and equipment at the School, donate scholarships and awards to both Junior and Senior School students, sponsor coaching in many extra-curricular activities for girls and donate trophies for Sports Day and the Swimming Gala.
Our PTA, which is headed by an executive committee, organizes a lot of activities each year. Dedicated and enthusiastic parents are involved in many aspects of school life.
You can contact PTA via this email address: